But, where would you move to? That's the dilemma. You're not alone. You wouldn't believe how many people say they would sell if they had somewhere to go. Well, what if I could match you up with one of those people? I know of people who are looking to downsize, get into a bigger house, move to a condo, looking to sell a condo, you get the idea. Call me! You never know if your needs will match up with someone I know who's also waiting to sell.

Greater Portland is defined as: Portland, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, Yarmouth and Scarborough.

The Numbers Don't Lie
Professional home staging is a powerful tool that will bring you top dollar for your most important investment.
Did you know I offer FREE staging services when you list your house with me?
Does it get any better?

Pretty as a Picture
It's spring clean up time! Be sure to snap a few pictures of your house at it's best. Even if selling isn't on your mind now, it's not only good to be prepared, it's a lovely reminder in the midst of winter.
Let me know if you would like me to come snap a few pictures with my new fancy camera.

Transplanting Hostas Although Fall is the ideal time to transplant hostas, you can also relocate them this time of year. Because hostas are about the only plant I can keep alive, and that is 100% due to their hearty nature, my yard is full of them. I'm off to try my hand....wish me luck!